

CYBA’s E-Contract system was purposefully architected to assist in meeting your contract needs to help facilitate and ensure smooth client transactions that save time and money for both parties. Clients expect to sign a contract that is specific to yacht charters and used and recognized throughout the yachting industry, instead of an unknown or individually prepared contract. CYBA E-Contract provides charter brokers with exactly that—a recognizable industry approved contract creates a trust between brokers and clients that will keep your transactions moving.

Top 3 Reasons to Use E-Contract
Data storage complies with GDPR and California's CCPA Privacy rights with access only allowable by approved users with a unique serial code
Professional Organization
Be assured that your clients always receive a professional contract approved by Maritime Lawyers, and sealed by CYBA as an identifiable and reputable source
Ease of Use
Work on contracts at any time from anywhere with pre-approved fixed clauses to save time spent on making amendments and special conditions to suit individual client needs
What are the fees?

CYBA reserves the right to increase the fees prior to any new subscription year.

Annual subscription

  • ALL Companies pay $100/year
  • No additional fee for CYBA members
  • non CYBA members $20/each additional user
Which Charters Is This Contract Primarily Used And Written For?

The CYBA E-Contract was primarily written for Inclusive charters on fully crewed charter yachts. It may be adapted for Non-Inclusive/Plus Expenses charters and be used for charters anywhere in the world so long as it is accepted by all parties.

Can It Be Adapted For Non-Inclusive Charters?

Yes. By using the Special Conditions. Where necessary start off with the words ‘Contrary to Clause 2. CHARTER FEE/TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

If the terms are different to Clause 2. B also, please write ‘Contrary to Clause 2. A and B. and then continue writing your non inclusive Terms.

How Legally Binding Is This E-Contract?

This Contract has been reviewed and approved by at least one, well recognized, maritime lawyer. Once the Contract has been fully executed it is fully binding unless for any reason, both Owner and Charterer, equally, decide to retract it. Terms of remuneration to both CA and Broker would then fall into the categories of Cancellation by Owner and Cancellation by Charterer.

How Secure Is The CYBA E-Contract System?

The CYBA E-Contract application has been developed following the OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks Standard.
The OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications.

How Is My Confidential Data Stored?

We do not expose the database server name, version or where it is located.

Are My Client’s Details Visible To Anyone Else Other Than Myself?

NO – As above with answers 4 and 5, your Client’s details are stored in a database and each user can only access their own information and does not have access to other user information.

How Do I Authenticate My E-Contract?

On the public ‘Home’ page of the CYBA E-CONTRACT there is a box at the bottom of the page which says CYBA SERIAL NUMBER VALIDATOR with a black box beside it ENTER SERIAL NUMBER. On entering the Serial Number of your Contract both you and your Client can make sure that it is a valid contract.

How Long Do The Draft And Final Contract Remain Active On The CYBA E-Contract System?

The Draft will remain active on the CYBA E-Contract system for thirty (30) Days.
The completed Contract will remain active on the CYBA E-Contract system for seven (7) days before automatically expiring and being removed from the system. Make sure to Download a copy once you have finished or you will lose or your work.

Can I Use Another CYBA E-Contract Subscriber's Log In Details To Log In To The Create A Contract?
No this is not permitted. If you do so you will lose access to the E-Contract platform. You will need to ask for new log in details to protect your security.